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吸血少女   投稿者: シルク   2009/7/30 (木) 03:36 



投稿者: カサブタ   2009/7/31 (金) 07:50 




投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/7/31 (金) 16:31 

Wow! The big cloak is beautiful! ^0^



投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/7/27 (月) 15:42 




投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/7/28 (火) 22:10 

Hi ~

Sister purple hair is a senior sister in the church.
And sister green hair respects her.

Now purple hair becomes a vampire.
She's desire is awaken.

The black sister is a vampire and sleeps for long time in under croft.
She is a vampire sister and still god-fearing.
But she can't resist the temptation of humans' blood.

Thank you for comment. :)


投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/29 (水) 10:30 

The plot Thickens, Hayato!


Sister Greenhair is OFF and RUNNING again!

Can she make it to her room and lock the door in time?

Can she do it?!

"Blast it! Get back HERE, Sister! NOW! Or I'll have you cleaning the convent floors with a toothbrush while I sleep!"

"*GASP!* I...think...I'll TAKE...the risk, Sister! Don't want to be eaten! You-You're a child of God! Fight this!"

"I KNOW the Commandments! I'm NOT going to KILL you...just...IMPROVE you!"

"That...kind of 'improvement' is not my thing, Sister!"

It's good to see Sister Greenhair fighting back. I'm sure Sister Purplehair will come to prefer the thrill of the hunt, though.

Keep it going, Hayato! Don't let her give up! Maybe the Blonde Vampire can show up to calm everyone down?

Be Well.



投稿者: That Vamp Dude   2009/7/29 (水) 11:11 

Looks awesome as always Hayato, great work! keep it up ^_^



DQ   投稿者: シルク   2009/7/26 (日) 01:02 



投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/27 (月) 00:34 

ARRGGHH! Silk, HOW do you DO this?! How do you make the art so neat and clean?! Do you spend HOURS on the computer doing this? Or do you use Photoshop somehow? Please let us know!

(Nice art, by the way.)

Be well.



投稿者: カサブタ   2009/7/25 (土) 05:04 






投稿者: Giggling Romulan   E-Mail  2009/7/26 (日) 00:18 


Just so I'm sure I understand correctly:

Arisa is half-vampire at this point?

Rose is going to turn her ALL the way and make Arisa her servant?

What happened to Arisa's magical Cloak? Did the bad girls destroy it, or is it still in the room?

Be well.


Casa, do you have an e-mail address? If it's okay, I'd like to send a desktop of Arisa that I did, and one of Arisa's pictures that didn't come up here. (I put my email up above... just take out the double spaces and replace the bracketed words with what they denote. This will HOPEFULLY defeat the spam bots...)

If it's all right, please let me know.


投稿者: カサブタ   E-Mail  2009/7/28 (火) 17:35 


Sorry, I intended to send some mail to you, but it looks failed.

I put my address too. please send me your picture.

Arisa's cloak was destroyed before first picture.
And she is still a human now. Usualy She turn to vampire during she draw on a cloak. Her eyes are brown on human time. But her body turning to vampire slowly because she was bited by Mami.


投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/29 (水) 10:18 

Sent, Casa.

This story is coming along nicely. It'll be interesting to see what you have in store for Arisa...

Be well.




投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/7/24 (金) 12:07 

hi :)


投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/26 (日) 00:01 

Interesting, Hayato.

Good work, as always.

Does Sister Purplehair say grace before she eats now?
It might not be a good idea for her to drink from Sister Greenhair. She DID seem to run rather quickly...and I've heard fast food is BAD for you... -_-;

C'mon, Sister Greenhair, PUT UP A FIGHT!
Make Sister Purplehair WORK for her meal!

Be well, all.



投稿者: カサブタ   2009/7/26 (日) 11:59 

Her cloak looks nice.

It's sexy vampire sister.
Is it her intention to turn sister green hair to vampire too?



投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/7/11 (土) 17:49 

hi :)


投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/12 (日) 12:39 

Told her to be careful...


Nun's these days...honestly!

Sister Pink Hair is AMAZINGLY intuitive with her Vamp powers for a newbie, though. I'd think that the bat transformation would take a lot of work to get the knack of.



Screaming to wake the other Sisters might be WISE now!

Be well.


P.S.: Keep it goin', Hayato! Coming along nicely! Just let Sister Green hair put up a hell of a fight! If they want to turn her, she shouldn't go down easily!


投稿者: That Vamp Dude   2009/7/13 (月) 00:59 

Awesome stuff Hayato =)



投稿者: カサブタ   2009/7/6 (月) 02:16 





投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/13 (月) 09:24 

Shouldn't Arisa's cloak be around that room somewhere?

It's weird, Casa...One of the things I like about the good 'Bund' vampires (Mina, Vera, Nanami, Yuzuru, Nella, Nelly and Nero) is their humanity. (Yuzuru being able to trust and talk to Vera with no fear in Book #3, Mina's maturation and mellowing in school from Book #2 well as her becoming best friends with Yuki Saigusa. For some reason, it 'reads' more believably to me...that they're not monsters...they DO have hearts...they DO care about the humans...they're just normal people with feelings and abnormal appetites.

I also like that they become MUCH more passionate when they're changed (Nanami, Book #3). It's both a strength AND a weakness.

It's also cool that the vampires don't have all the hyper-senses they have in other vampire series. Mina and company don't have super-smell...but the werewolves do. If I ever figure out my human/vampire romance action story, I'm going to use Mina and crew as the templates.

What volume have they released where you live?
I'm in America, and Seven Seas has just released book #4 here.
Now begins the agonizing wait until November for the release of Book #5.

Be safe and well, Casa.



投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/15 (水) 10:06 

And, by the way, Casa...

Your English does the job nicely. I can understand most of what you write, and if I don't, believe me, I'll ask.

I just hope that I'm equally understandable when I use Google Translate to produce opposed to gibberish sentances that don't make sense...

Ah, if we ONLY had STAR TREK's Universal Translator... ;D

Be safe and well, Casa.



投稿者: カサブタ   2009/7/16 (木) 00:40 

Thanks Giggling.
I'm glad to you understood my comments.

'Band' is released to #7 in japan.
And dicided to be made into an animation.
I'm looking forward to it ^^.

I felt "Mina" is so pretty vampiress.
But, The Vampire type I attracted is like a Nanami in #2 and #3.

She was obsessed by immoral passionate to Yuzuru, And be a puppet of desireness of vampire.
She looks erotic and tragic. I think she is one of most attractive character in this comic.

Excuse me... I'm pleasant to talking with you, but I feel small. It maybe annoying to Mr Yozora and everyone seeing this board, because this board is not a chat room.



投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/7/4 (土) 13:41 

hi :)


投稿者: カサブタ   2009/7/6 (月) 22:54 

She fell a victim to dark sister...

It's so exiting story. Goodjob!!


投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/10 (金) 05:57 

Okay, Sister Greenhair...back up SLOWLY and QUIETLY from the room...THERE you go...tiptoe...tiptoe...! Don't disturb the hungry vampires that...that AREN'T affected by crosses...!!! (0_0)::

Above ALL...Don't PANIC! just...stay VERY...calm...and VERY quiet...go back upstairs to your room, lock the door...

AND PRAY for daylight!!!!
(And maybe hide under your bed...)
As the late Michael Jackson so aptly put it:

'It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed!

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, girl!
But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind
You're out of time...

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom

And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller '

Sorry, just thought this was appropriate for the doomed Sister...

This is going to be a VERY interesting parish when Megumi and her fellow fanged Sister are done...

VERY cool, Hayato...Just don't let Sister Greenhair go down without a HELL of a fight! It's up to her to make like John McClane and save the rest of her fellow Sisters...

IF SHE CAN...!(*Evil Laugh Here*) ;D

Be well, all.




投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/6/30 (火) 14:10 

hi :)


投稿者: カサブタ   2009/7/2 (木) 01:54 

Good job hayato!!
Are they a sister of same church?

Please keep a good work.


投稿者: Giggling Romulan   2009/7/4 (土) 12:01 

Looking good, Hayato.

(Gives a WHOLE new meaning to the Catholic invocation, "Take this, all of you, and drink it...this is my blood which is given up for you...")

As far as Megumi is concerned...biting a fellow Sister?

I hope this doesn't become a habit.... :P

If there are any...bad priests in the area, both of them should be able to solve THAT problem for the Church...



人狼 vs 吸血鬼   投稿者: カサブタ   2009/6/28 (日) 23:49 


「どこを見てるのかしら!? 貴女の相手は私よ!!」



投稿者: hayato   [HomePage]  2009/6/30 (火) 14:12 

Good! i love this cloak! ^0^



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